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Legal advice

Legal notice

  1. Information in accordance with Act 34/2002 of 11 July (Art. 9 and 10)

Owner:  Villaronga Pasamanerías, S.A.

Adress: Camí del mig, 102A Pol-Ind. Les Corts - 08349 Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona)


Tax ID:  A08258295

  1. Intellectual property

The texts, images and the other content included in this website are the exclusive property of Villaronga Pasamanerías S.A. or their owners. Any act of transmission, distribution, assignment, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication must receive the express consent of Villaronga Pasamanerías S.A.

Villaronga Pasamanerías S.A. accepts no responsibility deriving from the improper, inadequate or illicit use of information appearing on the Internet pages of this website. Within the limits established by law, Villaronga Pasamanerías S.A. accepts no responsibility deriving from any failure to keep the data or information contained on its website up to date or any lack of truthfulness, integrity and accuracy in it. The content and information on the website are offered for the purposes of information and dissemination. The pages of this website may contain links to other third-party sites beyond the control of Villaronga Pasamanerías S.A. Villaronga Pasamanerías S.A. can accept no responsibility for any content appearing on third-party websites.

  1. Date Protection Act 15/1999, dated 13 December

To access some of the services offered on this website via the Internet, you will have to provide some personal data. In accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act 15/1999, of 13 December, we inform you that the data you supply by filling in forms will be incorporated and processed in a file belonging to Villaronga Pasamanerías S.A. so that Villaronga Pasamanerías S.A. may pass on any information it believes may be of interest to you. Under no circumstances will your data be passed on to third parties. We also inform you of the possibility of exercising your rights of access, correction, cancellation and challenge to your personal data, at Villaronga Pasamanerías S.A, Camí del Mig, 102A, 08349 - Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona)

  1. Use of the service and responsibilities

Villaronga Pasamanerías S.A. does not guarantee the permanent availability of services and is free of any kind of responsibility for any losses and damages resulting from the unavailability of the service due to force majeure or errors in remote data transfer networks beyond its control.

The company has the following certificates: